Unveiling Greatness. Uniting Visionaries. Unleashing Progress.
In the year 2003 a handful of HR visionaries converged in Brașov and Bucharest, ignited the spark of a transformative journey that would reverberate across the HR landscape. Today, Everything HR Conferences powered by Great People Inside stand as the beacon of change in the conference arena, where brilliant minds assemble to exchange revolutionary concepts and invigorate a global network, inspiring the creation of more impactful workplaces worldwide.

24-25 MAY 2023 – Hotel Qosmo, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Great People Inside Conference – 2023
Soft skills are more important than ever, and are even being referred to as power skills. Calling these characteristics “soft” undermines their importance. HR professionals are noticing gaps in this skill set within the talent pool as they are recruiting. The nature of certain fields will change exponentially and defy the supply of skills available. At the same time, companies still brimming with Baby Boomers will find the next generation of replacements is underdeveloped. Forward-thinking businesses will combat this HR trend by developing capabilities within the existing pipeline for a marked return on investment.

25-26 MAY 2022 – Hotel Qosmo, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Great People Inside Conference – 2022
In today’s business environment, with digitalization impacting traditional business rules, the need for an agile, responsive and adaptive work force has never been stronger. The talent landscape is now generating the largest disruption business has ever seen – employees feel empowered and in control to decide on how, when and where they work, what they work on, and if they want to engage with certain companies or not. The most successful businesses will be those that will make a priority in reevaluating their talent strategies and attraction campaigns, in upskilling or reskilling their existing employees and enable them to adapt with the shifting demands of the business – and evolve.

09-10 OCTOBER 2019 – Hotel Kronwell, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Great People Inside Conference – 2019
The labor market is changing and reshaping at an incredible speed. Although predicting the future is troublesome, it is also essential to identify and to understand social, economic and technological fundamental trends or ‘mega trends’ which will affect organizations in the next ten to twenty years in order to anticipate and prepare ourselves for the transformations that will supersede. Discover new approaches on how to manage the ‘multigenerational’ workforce which is continuously changing, explore the impact of the emerging gig economy as it continues to reinvent the meaning of hiring, discuss in regards to building a strong employer brand in the current competing for talents environment, understand the importance of employee engagement from the profitability standpoint of each organization.

10-11 OCTOBER 2018 – Hotel Kronwell, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Great People Inside Conference – 2018
The 4th Industrial Revolution is still in its emerging phase, with numerous HR processes being re-evaluated, reinvented. HR departments and organizations are facing an uphill battle into becoming more digitally conscious whilst also remaining creative and innovative. Traditional management and leadership principles were not designed for this digital era we have entered; hence we are at the verge of redefining everything even remotely connected to talent management. There is an obvious shift in HR products, with the majority of performance tools making the transition towards the Cloud.

11-12 OCTOBER 2017 – Hotel Kronwell, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Great People Inside Conference – 2017
Disruptive innovations create new business opportunities and models while destroying the old ones. Technology has already started replacing a vast majority of jobs, creating others and reshaping the way in which we do business. The Great People Inside Conference: HR (R)Evolution will launch into interesting and challenging discussions regarding the pace of technological changes being made, the effects it has on jobs and the implications it has on HR, organisations, and employees. Assembling specialists, practitioners and opinion leaders known worldwide, the 2-day programme combines thematic presentations, bold conversations and group discussions in an interesting manner, with the purpose of discovering techniques and strategies that will determine success in the near future, eliminating the uncertainty of this transitional moment and preparing for the rapid changes that occur in the workforce.

12-13 OCTOBER 2016 – Hotel Kronwell, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Great People Inside Conference – 2016
A unique concept bringing together business representatives, entrepreneurs, managers, specialists and researchers in the field of human resources from all industries; psychologists, representatives of central and local authorities, large consulting companies, as well as internationally renowned experts from the United States of America, Denmark, Israel, Norway, Ireland, Italy, Spain, United Arab Emirates.